  • Michael Furst

Mike Furst's Music Page

Library of Works

I'm Mike and I like to write music. Take a look around to see if there's something you like.

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ultimos comentários
Concerto in Lieu, Op.4
Clássico / Concerto
Springtime Quartet, Op.3
Clássico / Música de Câmara
os mais populares
  1. Sonata for two Saxophones, Op.1
    Clássico / Sonata
  2. Dark Chocolate Quintet, Op.2
    Clássico / Contemporâneo
  3. Concerto in Lieu, Op.4
    Clássico / Concerto
  4. Springtime Quartet, Op.3
    Clássico / Música de Câmara


17 março 2014, Notícias
Trumpet Concerto
Trumpet Concerto No. 1 is finished!  It will premiere at Lebanon Valley College on April 16th.  Stay posted for future pieces.
05 março 2014, Notícias
Version Updates and New Pieces
I have my first String Quartet finished, one that has been in the works for a while.  In addition to String Quartet No. 1, the other two pieces on this site will get cleaned up a bit. The Brass Quintet has already been updated, with the Sonata to ...